
Friday, November 6, 2015

Live and Learn - Time is of the Essence

While implementing centers this year, I have learned a great deal of things. One of which is that time constraints can affect your classroom management.

This year, I have implemented centers two days a week. However, I gave my students too much time to complete each center. Students would breeze through their current center in about 10 minutes, and then find undesirable things to do with their spare time. My rational for giving them 15 minutes for each center, was the fact that I am teaching a remedial math class. I thought my students would need the extra 5 minutes to complete the center activities. For some students this is true, but for many time isn't the issue.

If students are busy, then they are less likely to be disruptive. Simple things like setting your timer for a few minutes less, and spending that extra time reviewing a concept or making announcements at the beginning of class can save you a few headaches in the long run.

Of course this does not work for every student in the room, because you can't catch all the flies with one brand of honey. This will reduce your discipline problems some though.

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